Is this your first exposure to FOSS? If so, you are in for a treat. There’s a whole world of free, open source software out there for you to enjoy.
Yeah, it’s 100% free.
Is this your first exposure to FOSS? If so, you are in for a treat. There’s a whole world of free, open source software out there for you to enjoy.
Yeah, it’s 100% free.
What are you talking about? TikTok isn’t the internet, just like Facebook wasn’t and MySpace wasn’t.
TikTok is like Snapchat. 13 years ago Snapchat was the cool app all the kids were using and making fun of older people for not getting it. 13 years later and it’s still just shitty text messaging, with the only people using it being those who cared a decade ago who got their family and friends to sign up just for them.
TikTok is just shitty Youtube and in 10 years will be replaced by something else. Plus, what exactly am I out of touch with? My reddit feed is already crammed with crappy TikTok videos. Take something mildly amusing with the volume off that would be moderately amusing with sound. Replace that sound with the most godawful music you can think of. Now repost it 100 times with the image cropped to oblivion and half the screen taken up by an emoji or some random mobile game. Woo yeah, that’s the future of content, let me tell you.
Windows was doing an Ubuntu-like release cycle on 10 with standard releases every 6 months and LTS releases every 2 years. There was no need for them to release Windows 11 other than branding. They could have simply kept up their scheduled release cadence like every linux distro does.
Yes TikTok, that’s what a ban is.
My wife and I always give each other 2-3 options and take turns narrowing it down. Same with movies: We start out with our Trakt list and take turns narrowing it down until we get something we both want to watch.
In the show, typically something out of the ordinary would happen during the opening scene, and the narrator would foreshadow how that small thing would have major consequences before declaring that the characters had entered The Twilight Zone.
In this comic, the narrator might say something like, “Meet Mrs. Anderson, a typical American wife who’s never quite sure where she wants to eat. But after a strong craving on a fateful night, she finds her next meal in The Twilight Zone.”
Anyway, he’s smoking a cigarette, not crack.
No, the joke is that it’s The Twilight Zone.
I think “I fucked your wife” would work without needing to explain the visual joke.