HBO does this too, I’ve been told they get away with it because it’s a trailer not an ad, as though there’s a difference, but mate, I’m already watching Star Trek, you don’t need to suggest I watch Star Trek.
HBO does this too, I’ve been told they get away with it because it’s a trailer not an ad, as though there’s a difference, but mate, I’m already watching Star Trek, you don’t need to suggest I watch Star Trek.
Hulu has always had a clause like that. Their ad-free tier has always had a handful of shows that have an ad at the beginning and end, which is why I don’t pay for the ad-free tier and just use NextDNS.
But if you’re an anaconda you’d get trapped in there without the gap.
American stalls are a crime
I went to a theatre a few months ago that had the bathroom setup with several stalls that had full floor to ceiling walls and doors and an open sink area. There was a wall blocking the view of the main entrance to the building, but it was open enough that, at least to me and granted I am a CIS white male, it seemed like a solid setup that didn’t feel so isolating that were something to happen in there, someone would pretty quickly know.
I thought that style of setup should be the norm, honestly I think it’s the weird stalls that don’t actually block anything and have locks that 80% of the time are misaligned and broken that prevent us from having decent unisex bathrooms. Also, we don’t need urinals they don’t really save any room or anything.
The only other change I’d make with this setup is I’d probably have a separate room for baby changing stations just because the one example I had was small enough that if you had that in there, it would just be in the way of people trying to get in and out.
I feel like different races would have different tails based on what’s most useful to their environment.