You aren’t supposed to think about it
You aren’t supposed to think about it
It’s always the smallest one
Jokes on you, my car is 20 years old
I am so happy I have an account on here, even if some people can be quite abrasive
It literally has more registered users than there were registered for the US presidential election
None that are comprehensive and strong like all the rest of the G7
Yes. Why? Because pettiness
We are using it mainly as a massive middle finger to the US government
Proton VPN is one of the few great ones, along with Mullvad and Windscribe
Truth, why couldn’t he have stayed the same nerdy dude from his collage years
People who want to stay up to date with situations? IDK, seems pretty obvious to me
That’s at a very miniscule scale, if you don’t want to have something in your feed, just don’t interact with it.
Here is a video going over the bill in detail
Factually untrue, the only person who has control of what the algorithm shows you on any social media is the end user. So say8ng that it is used to spread propaganda (which that’s super vague), is blatantly false. Pretending otherwise is just being willingly ignorant to how the technology works. Hell, a 6 year old understands how the algorithm works and how to shape it. Plus, US based users have their data stored on US servers hosted by Oracle, China has no access to it. Do two seconds of research and you will see that I’m correct
There are no good billionaires, all of them are scum. Yes, Bill Gates is included, regardless of all the donating he does. Until the day someone becomes a billionaire off of an idea to truly better humanity, like a cure for cancer, aids, etc. Actually useful technology, like a way to interface a camera with the brain to restore sight, or something like that. There will never be a good billionaire.
Looks like I chose a good instance! w