It’s what we in the biz would refer to as a “grower”, which is in contrast to a “shower”.
It’s what we in the biz would refer to as a “grower”, which is in contrast to a “shower”.
There’s a contract from 1648 that still pays interest today because the company that issued it still exists. Unless Ukraine or the UK cease to exist in 100 years this contract will absolutely be enforced.
108 in a 30. Someone speeding that much has no time for a ticket.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental health disorder in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person - typically their child.
Next item to discover on my list: why are Americans so upset about “black face”.
That’s because of minstrel shows. They were American comedy acts where actors would paint their faces black and act out racist stereotypes. The premise was “look at me! I’m a black person!” and then they’d do something stupid and everyone would laugh. Note that black people were slaves at the time. When slavery was (mostly) abolished after the civil war, the shows and makeup became symbols of racism.
It’s kind of like how a swastika in a Buddhist temple is fine but a swastika tattoo on a white American isn’t. The swastika doesn’t have to be racist symbol, but there are few places you could display one without it being interpreted as a racist symbol.
Cultural appropriation is when you take something sacred or special and don’t treat it with respect. Sombreros and parkas are just clothes.
I highly recommend Yakuza 0. It’s an origin story prequel for the series and personally I think it has by far the best storyline. It also has the caberet club minigame!
The guys be like, “I play Yakuza for the gritty depiction of organized crime”, and then spend 12 hours giving women makeovers in the cabaret club minigame.
LLMs don’t verify their output is true. Math is something where verifying its truth is easy. Ask an LLM how many Rs in strawberry and it’s plain to see if the answer is correct or not. Ask an LLM for a summary of Columbian history and it’s not as apparent. Ask an LLM for a poem about a tomato and there really isn’t a wrong answer.
Did you need the picture of the spider? 😰
Anti-Defamation League. They’re a non-profit political group that state their mission is to combat anti-Semitism. They’re mostly a pro-Isreal group.