No one is forcing anyone to have family lol
No one is forcing anyone to have family lol
Yea, cause cooking for your family is so oppressive.
Do you usually ask stupid questions?
You can have a problem with both. Both gestures caused a negative action.
Delusional, as usual
And people mocked Trump for wanting to “rake” the forest floor.
Who’s laughing now?
Cue all of the excuses and blame Trump anyway
Maybe if the Democrats put forward a decent candidate rather than waiting until the last second to replace Biden with Harris. Even Tulsi Gabbard received more votes than Harris in the 2020 primary.
Trump even won the popular vote. 7 million Americans decided that they’d rather deal with him than to vote against him with Harris.
Think about that. And she ran exclusively on abortion and hardly anything else. She changed her accent more times than she changed topics.
Let’s see how the next 4 years will play out, despite the drastic exaggerations from liberals. Trump can’t do any worse than Biden’s pardoning of his son. Oh wait …
Yes , you’re right. The red giant will consume the Earth.
We won’t be alive if there’s a mass Exodus from earth, but is that even possible?
Probably not
Earth has been around for 4.5 million years. Humans have only been around for 300,000 years approximately. With only a few hundred years of the industrial age.
Would a few hundred years really cause an extinction event?
That’s interesting to think about… Perhaps it’ll take a few hundreds/thousand years to fix. If it can be fixed… Or we get hit by an asteroid first…
Between cutting down all of the trees and other pollutants, like these so called environmentalists flying around in their own private jets, it’ll be fun for a while.
Either the humans will die off due to global warming/runaway greenhouse effect before interstellar travel is achieved, or the humans will die off due to the suns transformation into a red giant before interstellar travel is achieved.
IDK. Either way, we won’t be here for long. But the earth will be long after us.
Will technology save the human race beyond the two inevitable events? Probably not.
Nothing wrong with being proud of giving birth to a new life. Also nothing wrong with believing that you’re more than that. It becomes a problem when people start forcing their beliefs on others.
$30k truck $300 Suunto watch Don’t smoke or drink 25 mpg
I’m doing ok.
Same. Will never go back. Even the military subs are toxic now.
I’m here because reddit permabanned me
I was under the impression that having sex was a choice? By both parties? Taking birth control or vasectomies? If you don’t want a kid, take the appropriate precautions or be abstinent. It’s not a hard concept to grasp that the main function of sex is to reproduce lol especially since 95% of abortions are elective.
Do I agree that it should be banned? No.
Do I think it’s not a priority because 95% of it is elective? Yes.