Your country is threatening to annex mine…You want us to wait and hope your dictator becomes reasonable?
Will you puhlease stop bitching and complaining already.
What you’re doing is blaming the victim, and it’s abhorrent. We all are pissed beyond belief at what that orange scumbag is doing, but it makes zero sense for you to run around with your internet machete trying to rip every American apart.
Stop it.
Here’s the company’s website.
Just because Reagan and Thatcher were “only” the mouthpieces in no way, shape or form removes their complicity.
Yup. Those two fucked the world far more than even Hitler did.
That’s the legacy of Thatcher and Reagan’s privatization movement.
So the orange toddler is pissed at Canada because Trudeau laughed at him a few times?
Jfc. What a time to be alive.
Both the DNC and RNC have historically been hunky-dory with the status quo, mostly because change is hard and requires a leadership geared towards doing what’s right vs what sustains their power and profis.
American politics is completely fucked up and I’m not sure there’s anything that can be done except a complete overhaul.
Thank you for the offer. Imo the best thing you can do is find a way to rid your nation of the rot that’s killing it, ie: super rich cunts who buy elections and weasel their way into the WH.
We’ll both fight the best we can, but trade agreements don’t come together overnight. They can take months or years to hash out and we don’t have that kind of time.
If our economies collapse those of us who know how to live off the land in remote forested regions can survive, but we won’t be individual nations anymore.
I would argue that the worst case scenario is that Trump’s tariffs tank Canada’s/Mexico’s economies, at which point America can walk in and own all of North America.
Trump specifically wants Canada because we have a shit ton of potable water, the oil sands, and the Northern Passage through the Arctic (which is increasingly open almost year round).
Mexico gives him and his rich buddies a wealth of cheap labour, at which point America will likely lose almost every manufacturer to Mexico. It also provides a large segment of fresh produce and a smaller, easier-to-monitor barrier against Central American emigration.
As for dental added to healthcare, are you sure? Or was it just added for people with low-income?
Jfc. Every Canadian knows that dental care has been enacted for under 18, 65+ and people with disabilities for over a year now.
Not knowing that kinda outs you as someone whose opinions mean nothing at all.
The USMCA was signed by Trump in 2018 (revised version signed in 2019). Implementation didn’t occur until 2020.–Mexico–Canada_Agreement
Lol. That was George Bush who did that one.
My favorite gif of Merkel …
Agreed. We just know it’s coming so it’s time to prepare for battle.
There is a need to fight tho. I understand the world is used to using diplomacy first, but if the last few years has taught us anything it should be that current rulers the world over don’t listen to it at all. They want what they want and will take it no matter the cost.
Trump has learned all he needs to know from Putin.
Nothing good has ever come from just trying to ignore a bully.
Tbf for nations like Colombia, who have a very small GDP, it would be almost impossible to survive the orange asshole’s bullying.
Let’s see what’ll happen if/when he attacks a nation who’s in the same league as America.
Yeah … I’m Canadian … freezing my ass off in Manitoba.
Stop with your assumptions already. If you can’t get your head on straight enough to understand that not every American supports Trump (the same way not every every Canadian hates his bloviating ass) then at least keep your toxic opinions to yourself.