900MHz WiFi, 20-40Mbps at “10 miles” (what’s that, 16km?). I mean I love the vastly simpler authentication part of the protocol but isn’t it just a mobile cell band at that point?
900MHz WiFi, 20-40Mbps at “10 miles” (what’s that, 16km?). I mean I love the vastly simpler authentication part of the protocol but isn’t it just a mobile cell band at that point?
The Day After Tomorrow? I loved that one
Maybe some climate change disaster movies are a good idea to make actually
Plus, disaster movies are fun
He’s probably a bit screwed in the head from having the fame from a young age, seems unsurprising tbh
When I first adopted my cat, he’d meow in my ear to wake me up for food. Then he switched to banging his paws on the bedroom door (like little furry fists). These days he simply cuddles and kisses me until I wake up.
He independently arrived at the same conclusion that many before him have found: you catch more flies with honey. Best way to be woken up for food ever.
Nah you can just rely on a revolving door of new shiny interests and peer pressure your friends into picking up the fad too… because that’s healthy