That was literally George Bush Senior.
That was literally George Bush Senior.
Apparently very difficult for some. Especially since they chose to abstain from voting, making everything even worse.
If they were too insignificant to listen to, they are too insignificant to blame.
Crib everything else from Biden or Obama <- We are here
Here is redundant with some of the other items.
Everyone to the left of Netanyahu is a tankie, according to centrists.
He’s literally just a cringe edgelord desperate for attention
I’m not misrepresenting anything.
At least centrists didn’t have to abandon their support for genocide.
Anyone who trusts their data to a man who just performed two nazi salutes in public is a fool.
Kubelwagen enthusiasts?
And then kill as many as they think they can get away with.
Understanding the plot of Les Miserables with or without the tangents?
Or are we talking the musical where one of literature’s nastiest villains gets the funny comic relief song.
Blocking is just shoving your head in the sand,
And so is trying to get anyone who disagrees with you to shut up.
I leave the whatever it is in the book at the end. Not in library books, mind you. Don’t like making more work for librarians. I started the habit when I found a baggage claim ticket in a book I bought at a used bookstore. I leave them in when I pass them on to the next owner.
I’ve found a few ersatz bookmarks over the years. The best so far was a 6 of clubs. The worst was a used q-tip.
You’re talking about voters compromising. I’m talking about politicians compromising. Or capitulating as Democrats do.
45 out of 215 Democrats voted for that or around 21% vs 90% of Republicans.
21% of Democratic voters voting for Republican candidates would be completely unacceptable. Why is it ok for 21% of our representatives to vote for genocide?
Oh right. It’s ok when it’s the only thing centrists actually want.
That’s not a compromise leftward on the part of the Republican party.
Because Republicans don’t need to compromise. They sit there and let Democrats move toward them, secure in the knowledge that Democrats will be like “Look at this glorious bipartisan compromise!”
When only one side is compromising it’s called capitulation.
So Republicans moved to the left by… doing what Trump wanted?
God damn, just say you can’t think of anything because it’s clear you can’t.
Politics is always about compromise, and compromise about issues that matter is always a punch in the gut.
When was the last time Republicans compromised leftward in any meaningful way?
Nothing the Democrats did mattered
So what we saw was what Democrats did when nothing mattered? When there were no boundaries? They supported genocide. They adopted Republican border policy. They ran anti-trans hate in their own ads. They cozied up to Dick Cheney. They showed us what they really are.
Do tell, what is my true intent?