Yeah IMF association is definitely not a positive in my book for sure. I figured there had to be some catches or else it probably would have been adopted. On paper at least it seems the thing. But reality is always where you get screwed.
Yeah IMF association is definitely not a positive in my book for sure. I figured there had to be some catches or else it probably would have been adopted. On paper at least it seems the thing. But reality is always where you get screwed.
Honest question. What about the euro? I don’t know enough about it ATM to really evaluate it. But it definitely seems a darn sight better than our currency.
Yep came here to see if anyone had mentioned it LOL.
I don’t know that I’d go that far. I’d think they’re not much different than people on average anywhere. I definitely think it’s cuckoo to claim that they are all so well educated and courteous compared to everyone else. That definitely reeks of lack of critical thinking and propaganda
Perhaps. But what does any of that have to do with anything that they wrote?
Their comment didn’t defend anyone. Funny you act like it did.
The sins of the United States don’t justify others committing them.
China is as much on the rise as 1950s United States. And if you think it can be sustained unlike the US. You haven’t been paying attention.
That said, the people of both countries definitely have a lot in common. Sexism, bigotry and racism being some of those things. You are extremely sanitized interactions on red note are cute and quaint. But not truly representative . We also have a need to throw off our wealthy governing elite. Whether its trump and friends or the Xi pack in the forbidden city. The regular person will suffer as long as they stay in power.
It’s like fighting out about home alone 3. And all the movies after that.
None of them had the same actor playing the lead role despite them all being the same character. Each one was basically the same story over and over with a few different things sandwiched inside.
The first was the icon. 2 was serviceable. If you were the right age for it, likely a classic just for nostalgia alone. That and the tragic story why the lead actor couldn’t have returned for 3 regardless. The most noteworthy feature of 3 was that Jack Black was in it. For maybe 10 minutes as a bully? One of “the nasties”.
2 years before he did The Neverending Story part 3. Two parts after that story should have ended unfortunately
Yep you are free to call out fascist your employer supports. And your employer is unfortunately free you to fire you. No free speech violations there. Now if they called in the government to take you off to a camp to be exterminated or re-educated. Once the government becomes involved it’s most definitely a free speech / human rights violation. Will get there soon enough. Still plenty of reason to be outraged.
Like when they stopped trying to Outsource to India or other places where the labor was extremely cheap. But all the code that came back from it was useless and had to be Rewritten by the remaining software engineers still at the company anyway. They’ll never learn. They’ll simply find a new anti-worker efficiency to Chase.
You singled it out. Which was incorrect. Hatred of minorities is common in every culture on every continent of the Earth. It’s a basic human nature thing. And America isn’t special in that respect. Hell when you get into large monocultures like China Etc the racism and hatred of minorities gets even more extreme and specific. In fact a lot of those hatreds have been imported from all over. The Koreans hatred of the japanese. The Japanese is hatred of the Chinese and vice versa. Various Indian sects hatred of each other. And the colorful bigotry of Europe and the Mediterranean. But one thing it is also produced here in America that is a little less common than elsewhere. Are people that actually are much more tolerant and supportive of minorities. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in control but they do exist.
Not significantly more than anywhere else.
And better yet China will turn around and weaponize this against us. Forcing companies manufacturing over there to sell off their interest in the manufacturing plants Etc. This s*** can go both ways and everyone’s about to learn the hard way.
That’s the joke yes. Among others here. 😆
You mean mainland Taiwan? Never heard of this China.
100% it wasn’t my intention to imply otherwise. Just to point out that celebrities are still just people and people have pretty dark sides oftentimes. So many people get lulled into traps thinking that someone famous or well known is safe. They’re just like any of the rest of us.
No one should ever be put on a pedestal. We all have our demons. Though many of them are semi innocent or only hurt ourselves. It still sad to hear another celebrity abused their celebrity.
Sounds like “heil honey, I’m home”