Calm down, Dr. Freud
Calm down, Dr. Freud
Only for experts
I’m married, but nice try
“I’m so nice to these lizardbrains” Sure, sweetheart
This seems pretty volatile
(Also I’m responding this while listening to "She Blinded Me With Science)
Haha. Fuck off with that ouch shit, buddy.
I’ll leave you with this so you can think about it for a minute:
Ok. I’ve already admitted my mistake, but you tell me how this references the Reagan era in any way.
Good statistic to look up for my community. Thanks. And yes. I did not consider the AIDs epidemic
That makes more sense, thanks, girl!
NGL. I’d fucking love a Snickers rn
I did not forget about them, but I felt I gave enough examples to where I drove my point home
Don’t care. The original post was about the 90s. Bye
Drove through Pennsylvania the other day and I got 0g for like 3 hours. What’s worse is no radio stations either.
People in Pennsylvania, is everything ok?