That’s what the woke mob would have you believe! The water isn’t getting warmer at all! Believe me!
That’s what the woke mob would have you believe! The water isn’t getting warmer at all! Believe me!
Paying people a living wage would only increase the price by pennies. This is just another “conservative” talking point without any basis in reality.
I don’t get why people are so keen on handing over such a huge amount of money just for bragging rights. The midrange is perfectly fine for playing any game these days. Those top end GPUs are getting an absolutely inordinate amount of attention compared to the relevance they have to most people.
Stop spreading misinformation!
Don’t make me call the taylor!
The modern version:
Wait, what? The whole thing was a bubble? Who could possibly have seen that coming!
People who save files on the desktop deserve to use Windows.
Lemmy is plenty mindless, thank you.
I once saw a TV program where they tried something like this. They had a few dozen people on exercise bikes try to power a normal family home. They barely managed even going flat out with a lot of people. Humans aren’t very good for generating electricity. I think it’s basically impossible to get more out of them than you have to feed them. Our future robotic overlords won’t have much use for us.
That’s a great idea actually. I suggest we just deliver a barrel of the stuff to every nuke fanboy on here.
How do you know that? There are no reliable figures on the Chernobyl deaths because there was and is a massive ongoing cover-up. Same goes for Fukushima, Windscale and whatever the Soviets managed to sweep under the rug. Until you come up with some actually reliable figures, I suggest you stop repeating this obvious propaganda talking point
I have some hopes for the Kia EV4, but that’s not out yet.
I don’t like SUVs. There just aren’t a lot of electric sedans out there. And despite what you may be hearing in the internet, it’s a damn good car and a lot of the competition just isn’t there yet, especially when it comes to the software.
I’ve been perfectly happy with my Tesla, if you just look at the car. When i first got it for years ago, it was a real source of joy to me. Now all the joy has been sucked out of it by Musk’s assholery. I want to get rid of it sooner rather than later. Right now there isn’t really anything in the market that could replace it, but as soon as there is, I’ll jump.
You just use a mirror. Geez, people, read your mythology!
Time to buy AMD shares. Elmo is going to run the place into the ground before you can say “the gays done did it”.
They’re very very much not OK.
Who ever claimed he created the technology? That makes no sense at all. And SpaceX got funding from NASA, just like a lot of other aerospace companies. In terms of value they delivered for that money, they’re far ahead of the competition. Boeing got more money for Starliner than SpaceX got for Crew Dragon. And look how that turned out.
The world was becoming more peaceful and more democratic. Fewer people went hungry. Many countries made the jump from poor to middle income. All in all, the world was a better place than it is today, but the most important thing was the optimism that things could actually get better. But then people in the US had enough of being reasonable and voted for Dubya.