Getting real tired of these „China is 30 years ahead of us“ clickbait headlines on an almost daily basis. They‘re always completely overblown and sadly really warp the public perception of the country and their government.
Getting real tired of these „China is 30 years ahead of us“ clickbait headlines on an almost daily basis. They‘re always completely overblown and sadly really warp the public perception of the country and their government.
While true this still won’t make the Cyberdrumpf meet EU regulations. You can’t make it street legal here.
At least half the list is bullshit to some degree. AI and robots are clouded in fear mongering for the working class and despite advancements is still heavily overhyped. Jet fuel from cooking oil or green steel will be too expensive for those industries to even consider and law makers won’t give them decent incentives to even try it. I’m looking forward to advancements in the medical field however.
Thank goodness there’s no incentive to monetize persuasion. If we lived in a world where corporations or governments tried to constantly persuade us we would be in quite the predicament.
Idiocracy was waaaaay too optimistic about the future.
I wondered that a while ago when Tesla was worth more than many other car makers combined while producing far less vehicles than any single one of them. And I remember people telling me about projections and expectations and that it’s only a matter of time until everyone drives a Tesla basically. Sounded like mass hysteria to me back then because the rest of the world won’t just sit there quietly and let Tesla have a monopoly. People bought shares because they rose rapidly in value, causing even more people to buy shares. It’s a pyramid scheme like so many things these days and people have no problem with it apparently. They love gambling and playing lottery. Value investing is too boring for them.
I mean it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Anything regarding Chinese politics or recent history is a big no-no. Like it will tell you who the president of the US is but will refuse to tell you about the head of state in China. I’m assuming same goes for anything Taiwan or South Chinese sea. The self censorship is rather broad.
It’s a hilariously incompetent strategy by the rich because they’re more dependent on a functioning society than any other group. You can tell they’re not smart nor good leaders when they build luxury bunkers in New Zealand because those won’t save them from losing virtually (and possibly literally) everything they have. They have everything to lose and the only thing they need to do to keep their wealth and power is to contribute to the society they’re living off of. They’re failing miserably because they lack compassion. It will be their downfall.
Human exploitation and subsidies are hardly innovative nor invented in China. All major innovations in EV are made in other countries for them. If anything, innovation puts you at the losing end because China will just copy you cheaper.
Republicans are already preparing laws for another Trump term in 2028 but he’ll likely need a puppet for 2032
First Trump term? Better get used to it or prepare to not browse the internet for a while. It will get much dumber from here.
How exactly is this a surprise to anyone when the same applied to crypto and NFTs already? AI and blockchain technologies are useful to experts in tiny niches so far but that’s not the usual tech savvy user. For the end user it’s just a toy with little use cases.
How do people not see through this theatre? It wasn’t even subtle. Oh right, the brainrot…
Yeah and tomorrow they‘ll replace their logo with a swastika. But only for US users of course.
I’m afraid China may dictate it instead and we all know that can’t possibly be an improvement.
You should watch the video before making bad argument that only hurts the public opinion on Neurodiversity because it got nothing to do with this. Besides me and many other Neurodiverse people have our doubts about his autism claim because there just isn’t much there to support it other than his claim. Neither would it excuse his behavior that isn’t at all typical for autism.
Doesn’t he know the Führer himself didn’t do the salute? Oh who am I kidding of course he doesn’t.
I’m almost surprised it took so long. They probably timed it to have maximum impact. If they really want to get rid of someone, they’ll lock them away or shoot them at the side of a street immediately without a trial.
I think those „success stories“ were always at least a little fabricated by the algorithm that somewhat randomly pushed a selected few lucky users immensely just to show the rest how you can become a media sensation overnight. It gives the platform free publicity as opposed to distributing visibility more evenly. Besides the ad revenue on TikTok is almost non existent even compared to Youtube. It was never a platform that you could realistically become successful with even if you got views.
On top of that his cult following brought Tesla lots of fans too. He made the company all about himself so of course plummeting sales can be tied to his fascism.