If he had the right plumbing then a zip tie would have also worked.
If he had the right plumbing then a zip tie would have also worked.
Or any other online store? I have seen very few that won’t ship via USPS and USPS delivers everywhere.
It might be your physical address. I’m not sure how long youve lived there but maybe someone who lived there before you ran a bunch of charge back scams or something and got put on a list somewhere. If that is the case then your address plus prepaid card and privacy respecting email will throw up red flags for any retailer that uses that list.
Shop for shit on amazon then buy it from the manufacturers website.
Yes but if you reply to a clone bot, it’s not like the clone bot is going to reply to you back. The fact that replies are cloned doesn’t change the fact that noone is actually there and you’re just talking to a wall. I use social media to interact with people. If I wanted to see redit posts and not interact with people then I would just browse reddit without an account.
It has been done several times and the concensus has always been that people hate it. Check out lemmit. They do exactly that and because of it most instances have defederated from them.
Lemmy doesn’t have the userbase of reddit. If you start just cloning posts from reddit then pretty soon everyones all feed only consists of dead bot made posts. Cloning shit from reddit just turns lemmy into a ghost town.
Could have some sort of medical condition. My dad could probably manage a smartphone except he has MS which makes using a touchscreen or small buttons very difficult. I could see any sort of nerve damage to the hands doing the same.
Well I’m not into lactation but my dad definitely is. So it’s not from my dad’s side. Not sure what my mom’s fetishes are though so maybe my kinks are passed down from my moms side.
Looking forward to finding out that kinks are governed by mitochondrial DNA.
You could also go the opposite direction like me. I just started watching The Man in the High Castle. It seemed topical after the inauguration.
If they’ll let me then I’ll just not leave the house. Now that I think about it Canadian prison actually seems like a great option for a shut-in american emigrant.
A lot of times you can just give the used oil to any mechanic shop. They almost all run waste oil burners for heat in the winter so any free oil is just free heat for them.
I still remember when my sister was sick as a kid and my dad asked her if she was going to puke because she looked like she was. She got half way through saying “no” when she abruptly projectile vomited all over him.
You’re still putting too much work into this. Just heat up the metal shaft where the knob was with a torch and press any old hunk of thermo plastic onto it. Now you have janky done even more quick and cheap.
This is why I always buy cheap vice grips whenever I see them in a box of tools at an estate sale or something.
“Oops, I broke a handle on (thing).”
Clamps vice grips on the bit left over
“Fixed it.”
Right now both of the seats in my truck just have a vice grips for the reclining lever.
Don’t forget that most highschools also dropped any trades oriented classes too. So now if you want a decently paying career without a college degree then too fucking bad. They’re trying to eliminate any alternative to the college debt shackle to make their worker drones more easy to manipulate and abuse.
A World on Fire - Bo Burnham
But cheeto dust makes the kiss taste good.