Ah, because of the ions.
Took me eons.
Ah, because of the ions.
Took me eons.
But if we save Harambe, no one would have died for us
This comment made me uncomfortable.
It’s called the carbon silicate cycle
Edit: that giant explosuon https://new.nsf.gov/news/volcanic-coal-burning-siberia-led-climate-change#%3A~%3Atext=A+team+of+researchers+led%2CEarth's+most+severe+extinction+event.
There once was an explosion the size of Russia because the coal and oil underneath it got in contact with magma, killing 99.8% of all life on earth (before the dinosaurs) 🦕🦖- this process released more CO2 in the atmosphere than if we would burn all the fossil fuel today (I’ve forgotten by how much more)
Earth took its time, couple million years, but the carbon-silicate balance was restored. Edit: Fun fact 2 - during this time there are records of winds >800 mph, acid rain and temperatures >180°F
Fun fact: There was not a single mass extinction because of the shift of the magnetic poles, all mass extinctions can be linked to the carbon-silicate balance.
Depending on the religion, yes. Otherwise it‘s 12 years per mother, 14 if you’re late.
That’s why I sleep at work. It’s the most restful sleep because you sleep with a clear conscience, knowing you’re getting paid for it.
Seems like this is the solution to a problem. I wonder if a change of jobs would make him quit the pot.
This always reminds me of that one joke my iPhone‘s Siri once told me that left me in tears:
What do you get when you cross a dog with an octopus?
A reprimand involving the bioethics commission and the immediate withdrawal of all research funding.
As someone who‘s allergic to an ungodly amount of vegetable oils, fruit and gluten: no.
And also re-read several pages because that Oxford comma was in the wrong place and therefore interrupted my flow.