Same. Come has changed their recipe so much over the year it just tastes like weird chemical carbonation to me. Used to love OG vanilla coke. Now I’m a Pepsi guy. Especially fountain. So refreshing. Barqs still wins best on fountain tho.
Same. Come has changed their recipe so much over the year it just tastes like weird chemical carbonation to me. Used to love OG vanilla coke. Now I’m a Pepsi guy. Especially fountain. So refreshing. Barqs still wins best on fountain tho.
What a fucking idiot holy shit.
‘Just give me the engagement bro. Come on bro I’m just like you just give me a share bro’
Must. Be. Fuckin. Nice. Honestly my grievances against our own system aside, glad to see it works for some.
Straight up laughed out loud. What a mental image. Thanks for the chuckle man.
Any. The answer is any. I’ll knock the fuck out of a geriatric ignoramus while god damned polka music is in the background. But if I had to choose…Get to the Gone by Static X
Or…or…hear me out: society and social media has bred a collection of individuals that do stupid shit strictly just to generate traffic. I highly doubt any of those women would ever, if actually faced with those, do it or want to. It’s for the shock value and to get the interaction going. Basically ‘any publicity is good publicity’.