The Post Ninja
pony on the front, lol
Ironically, the Aztek is way better, despite its age…
Ah, yes, I see the Year to Ierom ratio is heavily stacked in the Ierom end.
Nice AI graph.
Diesel straight up doesn’t run when it gets cold enough. Diesel fuel becomes jelly in the negatives. They have to mix it with avgas to keep it liquid enough.
Now that’s something I’m looking for
Had a Biblical right, but they forfeited it when they stopped following God and went and did things worse than the surrounding nations. They were rejected as a kingdom of God just before Babylon took over, and when they flash mobbed the Romans to execute Jesus, that completed the rejection. Israel has not been the Kingdom of God for 2,500 years, roughly, and definitely do not have his backing for this assault.
and I will reach, any star
It’s been a long time, but my time is finally here
The prophecies about the end times, about now. One of them says “and the love of the greater number will grow cold”. This, right here. The last few years.