Anarchist has his own, and due to his knowledge of history he kills the other three before the marxist can attempt to talk him into teaming up against the fascist then turn around and stab him in the back while bickering with the liberal.
Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from
Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.
Anarchist has his own, and due to his knowledge of history he kills the other three before the marxist can attempt to talk him into teaming up against the fascist then turn around and stab him in the back while bickering with the liberal.
Some people just can’t think of shit when put on the spot with questions like “but why do you love me” because my brain is made of fluffy kittens playing clumsily with ribbons.
I still have the nightmares.
This phrase doesn’t mean what everyone thinks it means. “The customer” != you, “the customer” refers to the market as a whole.
As in if I run Bob’s Hat Emporium and I only sell red hats, and purple hats become the latest fashion, well I best goddamn stock some purple hats.
It doesn’t mean that you gets this scarf for free because you found it in the wrong section, Carol.
I’m far from a traditionalist, and I know this is fake and a joke, but I’m bored on my lunch break, so I’m just gonna point out how I find it funny that you agreed to marry someone with different values than yourself, agreed to remain unemployed instead of finding childcare (if you can) or are blaming America’s childcare crisis (of which there is one, in case anyone was unaware) on your spouse, and live completely off your husband’s dime, and the poor sap can’t even get spared a taco that he bought all the ingredients for.
I’d like to tell you about a wonderful new invention, they call it “divorce.” Quit blaming everyone else for all your problems and leave, hell just “go out for a pack of smokes” and vanish into the night if you want, or take the gun he must be holding to your head and say “now you stay home and cook, I’m breadwinner now” and that’s awesome, I wish I could find me one of those myself, I’ll cook that woman some damn good meals and pack her lunch with a note and a goddamn kiss every morning, but you are the architect of your own misfortune and have the power to change your destiny in this situation.
That is all, back to joking lol I gotta clock back in now.
I’m cool with not bringing it back to the 50s, I don’t wanna hear any shit about me being “the man of the house who is supposed to take out the trash and fix everything broken and be the breadwinner” or any of that type of shit either.
I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down.
More like a step down from even that, purple flavor-aid (without the diphenhydramine, promethazine, chlorpromazine, chloroquine, diazepam, chloral hydrate and cyanide) or some other knock off. But yeah basically that.
Tbf, I used to have a t-shirt that said I Set My Friends On Fire, and I often had a lighter while wearing it, but I do not in fact Set My Friends On Fire. There was however a band, that happened to have the name “I Set My Friends On Fire,” and there were also these things called “Camel Turkish Royal cigarettes…”
Did you just assume its gender? It could be a laddie for all you know!
That’s because I just learned it lol, thanks!
Red (or any) bell peppers, poblano peppers, banana peppers, Padrón peppers, cherry peppers, shishito peppers, habanada peppers, all peppers with no heat.
Furthermore “heat,” while commonly conflated with “spice,” is not “spice.” “Spices” are not necessarily “hot:”
Anise, allspice, cardamom, mustard seed, coriander, dill seed, clove, nutmeg, turmeric, saffron, vanilla, garlic, mace, sweet paprika, fennel, caraway, cumin, sumac, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and MORE!
are all not-hot spices. You have been riddled.
You can season duck with peppers, sure. Seasoning is a verb, to season one uses herbs, spices, peppers, (or if we’re talking about cast iron, oil or wax.)
Wait, you’ve found one! I consider peppers their own thing, culinarily speaking anyway, neither fruit nor vegetable.
The rest of your bullet points I basically agree with, but there’s also
peppers are peppery, not always hot, red bell are sweet, and green bell tastes like feet.
seeds are seedy, don’t think about the difference between them and nuts, some questions are not for mortal man.
Ketchupbased BBQ sauce*
Ya skipped a level.
whether or not cakes are hotdogs or smoothies,
Depends on the preparation, if blended with juice or yogurt: smoothie.
You don’t know if I’m allowed to or not. Oh wait I forgot everyone on the internet is a white american man, right?
why has the “n” word never lost its strength as an oppressive word?
Tbf, it has to an extent, hence the “A” VS “hard R” distinction. The power was taken back as they say through repeated usage, some would call overuse, by the community who is allowed to say it. Other communities still aren’t allowed to say it sure, but it did contextually lose power through overuse.
I agree, the %s are too high, and there should be a “no tip” option there (even though you should tip here especially full service but not counter service), but also the “30% soso?!” Even I’m not tipping this one.