I don’t think this is the same thing unless Trump told Netanyahu to delay the ceasefire, and I haven’t heard anyone claim that he did.
I don’t think this is the same thing unless Trump told Netanyahu to delay the ceasefire, and I haven’t heard anyone claim that he did.
Trump appears to have pushed Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, which Biden failed to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if the delivery of these bombs was part of the backroom deal between Trump and Netanyahu which led to the ceasefire.
I don’t know what will happen after this ceasefire expires, but until then it’s a little early for those who criticized Biden’s policy on Israel to criticize Trump’s.
Wow, he’s still making that comic? I used to read it twenty years ago (in an edgier phase).
An interesting thing about atoms is that all atoms of the same isotope are fundamentally identical. In other words, they’re not just the same as far as we can tell. They are absolutely the same. This challenges human intuition about identity, because while an atom can be said to have a specific history, there is literally no trace of that history in the atom itself. If God swapped two atoms of the same sort, only he could ever know.
Consider software. You downloaded your copy of My Little Pony: The Movie from a particular source, but if that source turned out to be disgusting you wouldn’t have any urge to delete your copy and then download a new copy from someone else. Atoms ought to be considered like software in this way.
(This is relevant because “eating” involves breaking food down into individual molecules.)
Not for long.
Yeah and I didn’t support it, but if he wants to flip-flop then I’m not going to look a gift house in the mouth.
decline into fascism
I think you are mixing things up. The Biden administration is the one attacking the right to free speech. Trump may not have the right motivations but I’m happy as long as he moves in the right direction.
It was a smart move by TikTok, and not something so dishonest that it would burden my conscience if I were in charge of making it.
If the Democrats hadn’t wanted to give Trump free publicity, they shouldn’t have supported an unpopular law that went into effect the day before Trump was inaugurated.
Truly an enemy of the people.
You’re missing a few good ones.
A for An
C for Cay
I for In
K for Knight
N as in No (a few of these work with “as in” but not with “for”)
O as in Other
P as in Pose
Q for Qing (since Jalapeño is allowed)
T for The
I’d say that Turkey has stopped seriously trying to join the EU, but that’s because I don’t know what they want or don’t.
My comment was intended to sound cynical, but I totally failed to actually make it sound that way. (I edited it just now in an attempt to fix that.) Europe’s relationship with Turkey is dominated by geopolitical and economic concerns, not moral ones.
Turkey extradites to Iran? That seems like something that wouldn’t help join the EU.
Edit: I should specify that I’m being somewhat sarcastic. My comment is technically true but in fact this extradition policy is largely irrelevant to real-world diplomacy.
TikTok also was and still is acting like the law is in force - the law does not require it to shut off. They aren’t taking any legal risk.
Note that the law does not prohibit TikTok from operating. It prohibits companies like Google and Apple from distributing it, and according to this article, they are in fact not distributing it.
Even as TikTok was flickering back on, it remained unavailable for download in Apple and Google’s app stores.
TikTok shut off voluntarily and that appears to have been an excellent PR move, but we won’t know for certain until Trump does or doesn’t do something about it in the next few days.
It’s an own-goal for Biden - an unpopular law that starts being enforced the day before Trump gets to stop enforcing it.
I assume they’re erect but are they end to end or side to side?
Part of what makes Lemmy interesting is that so many people here disagree with me. I only block the profane ranting sort. I do, however, sometimes just stick to lighthearted topics for a while when I already have enough stress in my life.
I’m going to copy-paste a relevant post I made recently in response to a discussion about being baited by trolls:
My own rule is simple: I should only interact with another person online for as long as I enjoy doing so. Often I have a hard time letting someone else have the last word, especially when I feel insulted, but I’m getting good at it.
It helps to remember that many arguments are actually performances: the other guy isn’t really trying to learn anything or even to change your mind. He’s acting for an audience of people who already agree with him. When he repeats the things they want to hear, they praise him for owning the libs or something along those lines. There is never anything to be gained by being the patsy for that circle-jerk.
What was Biden actually doing (as opposed to just saying) regarding the West Bank which you liked better?
(My impression is that Biden’s sanctions on the settlers has no practical consequences, but I’m not 100% sure of that.)