I think it’s hyperbolic, that’s the whole point of my first comment
I think it’s hyperbolic, that’s the whole point of my first comment
The examples given are about Trump limiting access for news agencies to the government, and trying to bully big news orgs. How would those things prevent someone writing a story about a public website disappearing?
Don’t get me wrong, what he’s doing is bad for press freedom and will have a chilling effect on the more complicated stories that need more journalistic input and explanation to gain traction and public understanding, but as I said “this kind of story” isn’t exactly complicated and saying “stories like this will disappear” is just not realistic.
No, I mean hysterical as in overly exaggerated due to high emotion.
Don’t you think that’s a bit of a hysterical take?
Stories like this one, someone noticing that a website has been taken down, will disappear??
It’s hardly the peak of investigative journalism or a complicated story requiring hundreds of hours of work by a trained journalist.
You got my meaning, and yes maybe that is what the OC meant.
I think we’ve got to be a bit careful and keep our powder dry sometimes with trump stuff. Pretty much everything he does is bad and shocking, but if we overreact or exaggerate it makes people less likely to listen when it’s a really bad thing that might actually cur through. I’m pretty sure the reason he has got away with a lot of stuff so far is that people have just tuned out the constant noise.