If I ever have to unload one of those fucking trucks again I’m going to commit a terrorist attack.
If I ever have to unload one of those fucking trucks again I’m going to commit a terrorist attack.
Is that gold foil over chocolate?
Don’t wolves generally not mess with the rams anyway because of more or less this situation?
I really hate that that’s not AI generated bullshit.
Did you have to help a chicken cross the road making that joke?
There’s been locations in the past where the decision was made to initially just build the minimum paths for handicap access and etc and then wait for the desire paths to form to decide where to put the rest of them. Great idea really. The apartment complex started plowing the one that goes from my building to the gas station.
Was gonna say, even if you weren’t downing at least a pack a day yourself there’s nobody around you who isn’t.
Well if that’s the case my guess from there is it’s moreso warning of extra penalties for shall we say ‘daytime mischief’.
“This massive corporation sucks too!” Have you tried not going with a massive corporation?
There somebody specific in mind here? Kinda looks renaissance era but that’s not really my thing as far as history goes.
Gonna take a guess this is in a touristy part of an otherwise not English speaking area and the intent was slightly different.
I also want stories, I can trade you for ski lift stories.
It’s certainly when I learned high pressure water systems are a thing.
Humans are destructive creatures and public restrooms are one of the better ways of proving that. Friend of mine in high school once came up to us in the lunchroom and excitedly ushered us to the bathroom to show that he had successfully kicked a urinal off the wall, causing high pressure water to spray all the way across the room.
I get it all the time? Despite the sign with the bus schedule being right the fuck there.
Edit: it happened again in the time since I wrote this comment.
Right, insects work on a more input/output basis. Make the trap as obvious as you want, the only thing going through their head is the smell of the nectar.
A place better than where any of us are.
I’ll give them credit that building their OS on a Unix base has undoubtedly been good for us too since it kinda twists the big company’s arms a bit over the issue.
Well that’s the darkest thing I’m going to see this morning.