Eleven-year-old Mohammad Sharaara lies alone in a hospital bed at the Nasser Medical Complex. He is the sole survivor of six members of his family killed in an Israeli strike on their home in Khan Younis last month, including both his parents.
Mohammad lost his left leg in the bombing. He is receiving treatment to recover and resume his life with a permanent disability, but has no one to care or provide for him. While Mohamed’s immediate family fled south from Gaza City to Khan Younis in December 2023 in a doomed search for safety, his other relatives remained in the north.
“Losing my leg is not the biggest loss in my life, what hurts me more is that I want my mother. I don’t want to live without her,” Mohammad told Drop Site News, his voice wracked with pain.
While this is correct and, refreshingly, not an example of bad headline writing, I still think “20,000 Palestinian children had their parents murdered by Israel’s military” is a better headline.
Say the important part as plainly and simply as you can, everybody.
No human being deserves this, and it pains that he is not the only one. There are so many kids who got robbed from their child dreams, their innocence, dreams and even their future.
so fucking devastating.
My heart cannot take it.
And they’ve gone ahead and radicalized those 20,000 children to ensure they can label the next generation as terrorists as well.