I turned 40 today.
My body feels like shit. My mind feels the same as it did when I was 14; confused and horny.
How did you speedrun aging bro?
I’m in my thirties and physically I’m ok, but it’s getting tougher mentally with each year passed. Job takes most of the time and it’s harder to genuinely connect with people the older you get. Whe I was a kid or teenager I could simply start a conversation with a peer and become friends in a matter of minutes. Not it takes weeks, because everyone’s working and has families. Getting older sucks
If it makes you feel better, it doesn’t get much worse than where you’re at now in terms of socialization.
A lot of people spend years wearing about what other people are saying and thinking about them. When you hit your forties you realize nobody’s saying or thinking anything about you at all, You’re too busy dealing with their own slice of hell.
I just woke up physically tired from sleep. Not in a “I’m sleepy” kind of way, in a “did I just run a fucking marathon why am I in so much pain” kind of way.
I didn’t ask for life.
What about us born in 1980-1990?
(Rick and Morty, S01E05)
Thank you for citing your meme!
Be the change yadda yadda
In my thirties and I’ve got some creaks here and there, what all have you guys been doing to your bodies? Usually stuff like this is only when I go too wild at amateur wrestling night as the Shrieking Spud
Please tell me you have a catchphrase as the Shrieking Spud!😮
There are lots of good things to say: “I’ve got my eyes on you”, “This deep fryer ain’t big enough for the two of us”, “You couldn’t mash me if you tried”, “I hope you like your hair starched”. I also put potatoes in my bra to hand to people, they would fly out when I got thrown around too
LMAO! Potatoes in yer bra is funny, but surely you’re bruised all to hell after a match!