usually when the best friend does that, it’s because the crush voiced discomfort about you to their best friend
Yea, like even as a dude I’ll be in different situations where I can see someone uncomfortable who doesn’t feel like they can say no. The best friend, the person nearby, or the cousin who the family already thinks is weird can all step in to stop a variety of weirdos or even just a relative being shitty at the dinner table.
Crushes happen over time, if they were into it they wouldn’t let their friend get in the way and if they did you should probably want to date someone with some better boundaries.
Should have got with her friends. Friendship never ends.
Do you wanna?
You really really wanna?
surprisingly few comments, wanted more reading from this
find a mate for the best friend and arrange a group event
i prefer to snipe the best friend in advance from a tall building and wait until the subsequent melee has quietened down
What’s this image from?
Artur Sadlos’s “Wooden Giant”.
Thank you!!
You bet!
Op’s high-school
That’s two words, Genius. Your spell check was correct.
No need to be rude