Did you Google that?
Did you Google that?
You’re thinking of rhythm. You have it or you don’t. That’s a fallacy.
Democracy is constantly evolving and, hopefully, improving. No system or framework is perfect, and one that stays the same will eventually expose its flaws.
I’m still hopeful that we’ll end up better on the other side of this. Look at Germany now. Or at least a few years ago.
The truth is out there. But so are lies.
So, so many lies.
And not participating in it is improving it somehow?
We’re in x86 and we speak binary assembly in this architecture, goddammit.
Thank you. If Ikea could write directions in Python, I would be sooooo happy.
You don’t live west of where you work, I take it?
These scientists got a chill with the AI and surveillance tech and work on making a refillable toothpaste tube ffs.
Ba da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da da da
I’d say “that’s the point” if this was put out by modern media…both sides are doing this to build engagement and support. That is, writing about something, but hiding the fact that it’s nothing. They take a small fact that on its own is true…but is really quite unimportant to the larger question. They then build up on that one small fact and make it out to be a smoking gun.
They may even leave out completely relevant facts. Like in this article it says “Monsanto pledged to not commercialize the seed,” but doesn’t mention the UN COP8 moratorium on them.
But the other thing is…op posted this from a college website, possibly because they think it’s an academic paper…but it’s not. It’s a summary of case studies in from their CONS200 “Foundations of conservation” program.
They don’t know or care what DEI is. They just know that white men like themselves now have to compete with non-white non-men for jobs.
So now they have to make themselves marketable, or shut that whole thing down so they can go back to living in the boys club. And since self-improvement is “woke”, they choose the latter.
They get it fed to them during their 2 Minutes Hate and that’s all that matters.
It used to be Antifa. They were staunchly against antifa. You know what you call someone who is anti-antifa? Fa. You call them fa.
Go ahead and submit a PR then.
Amazing. Those companies have been widely renowned for their amazing customer service, too.
Nah it’s more like the wolves lawyers and the sheep’s lawyers fight it out. Like a proxy war.
Would you rather be followed by 50rats, or one deadmau5?
Yeah no…as much as our current system sucks, I’d rather have some sort of a buffer before full on mob rule.
People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals…and you know it.
Full on direct democracy sounds like a good idea. Until you realize it’s two wolves and a sheep making dinner plans.
Thank you.
The problem isn’t that Meta and X and TikTok censor content…it never has been…that’s entirely within their rights, as businesses, to do.
The problem is that these 2-3 companies, run by 2-3 people with strong political allegiances and bottomless pocketbooks, control nearly every beer hall, Elks Lodge, KoC, and corner-grocer corkboard, in the world.
One of the biggest ways our government failed us was by letting these companies get so damn big and influencial.
The founders, while themselves wealthy slave-owning pieces of shit, did have some good ideas…but I don’t think they ever expected there to be just a couple of unelected private businessmen in charge of every soapbox in the country.
Oh, and also all of the press. Not them, but a different small handful of unelected private businessmen. Obviously they expected private ownership of the press. That’s somewhat of a necessity…but the level of consolidation is absurd.
I was making a joke with a modern example of a noun being verbified, but thank you for your insight.