Yeah no shit, and you do think I have a single goddamn bit of influence over my corporation’s choice of email client??
They can leech all the data they want from my employer. I don’t give a fuck. Never use company assets for personal business as an addendum.
Just be a little more careful with your own stuff, s’all.
I tried the new outlook for about 30 seconds. They injected ads into my mail.
Instantly uninstalled it.
What part of Windows (or Microsoft software in general) is not a data collection service?
If you aren’t using an insider edition then Notepad is still safe
… for now. They’ve already replaced the old Notepad with a bloated UWP version, so it probably won’t be long before it starts sending telemetry as well.
Outlook honestly was not that bad for a while, but of course Microsoft does what Microsoft does. I’ve been using Thunderbird for about a year now and it is very full featured coming directly from outlook.