People act like their mamas never told 'em to cover their damned mouths when they cough or sneeze. It’s the same damned thing, only masks work much better at keeping your filthy germs from infecting other people.
Common sense ain’t common, they say, and this anti-mask nonsense is just proof that it’s true.
You’re assuming these people believe we even send things to space. I had a serious ass conversation recently with my father’s roommate. Typical conspiracy theorist ding dong. Full on flat earther and everything. I asked him how he thinks GPS works if the earth was flat. He admitted he didn’t know but then when I started to explain how it works by pinging satellites we put up in space he cut me off and said space isn’t real. Like legitimately thinks space isn’t real. He on a separate occasion also complained that we didn’t need to wear masks during covid because we apparently make our own viruses in our bodies and viruses don’t spread between people.
These people don’t even understand how logic works. Let alone that people could be smarter than they are.
I just want affordable healthcare
Unfortunately, the answer to that doesn’t lie in science but in politics.
Best interaction with an antimasker:
Them: masks don’t work
Me: We’ll I’m going to wear one anyway
Them: Well then you’re just traping the germs against your face
Me: so you’re saying they block germs?
They even stated the correct reason to wear a mask: to trap the germs against my face, so others don’t get infected
It’s like they don’t compute the idea behind it, it stops at me me me